!! Medical ID Bracelet !!
I was in the main chat room, as I am most early mornings while on the air at Star 99.9, when someone mentioned Medical ID Bracelets and WHY it is so important post-ops have them.
If you ever need to be intibated in the ER, most ER docs will insert a NG Tube without realizing that Gastric Bypass patients have a pouch that can be perforated during this procedure.
I asked Dr. Tran about it in my visit today and he said ABSOLUTELY, we should wear some sort of identification that shows we are Gastric Bypass patients.
He explained how the NG Tube is inserted. Apparently there are guides on the tube that show how far it should be inserted. This is by white lines on the black tube. There are four lines. ALL FOUR LINES should be outside of the body on a Gastric Bypass patient (inserted to the minimum length ONLY). He went on to say that if the pouch get*****tured, you'd be LUCKY if you are in intensive care after emergency surgery, but you CAN die from that!
So he gave me an order form and I am ordering mine today. You can visit the website on this order form that I have: http://www.americanmedical-id.com or you can call 800-363-5985
Just to give you an idea of pricing - You can get a Sterling Silver one for $39.95 or 14K Gold for $229.95. Uhh, I am going for the Sterling Silver, thanks!
The engraving should include:
1. your name
2. "Gastric Bypass Patient"
Hope this info helps, I think it is extremely important that all post-ops wear identification!

Good point! This was discussed at one of the support groups I went to at St Rahpeals, and the nurses (who also have ER experience) reccomended either a medic alert necklace or keeping the bracelet simple. If people get fancy bracelets, they can easily be overlooked in an emergency, since the emblem can be less noticible. Keep it simple so that it can easily be spotted in an emergency.
I have also seen more inexpensive ones through AVON (under $20)....
As a male (jewelry just looks different), I would not wear the bracelet. However I do haved a card in my wallet, and it is almost always on me wherever I go. No I don't wear it when I sleep.
There are people with reasons for not having blood transfusions. They carry a card with them,and ER people are instructed to look for them if admitted for treatment and unconscious.
Ya know...I've heard som interesting and confilcting opinions on the Med ID bracelet. Personally, I think that if you want one, it can't hurt.
According to an emergency medical center worker I know, they do not place NG tubes in unconscious patients. So, this should not be an issue. But, that most NG tubes are not placed blindly, even if they are placed...so if one wanted one could put on a bracelet 'no blindly placed NG tube'. But, this is just one other opinion
The other opinion I got was from my PCP. He said if you're in a situation where you're unconcious and someone actually needs to place an NG tube, you've got alot of other much more important things to worry about because you're probably pretty close to dead. The common tube that anyone unconcious would get is an ET tube for breathing and maintaining an airway. Some people confuse the two.
I'd be interested in getting opinions from other medical professionals...anyone else have their doctor's opinion?
Thanks for the good thoughts Tara!
Lisa C