I QUIT! Wah Hoo!
Hello everyone,
As you all know, I posted a month or so ago to all of you about my job woes and so many of you emailed me with some great leads. Today I am giving my two-week notice at my present company, and as of Nov 1st I will be a contract employee at a pharma company in Wallingford!!
Thank you, each and every one of you that took the time out to give me the leads and show me support. There are too many of you to list individually and that just goes to show what an awesome board we are, both WLS-related and other topics.
A HUGE thank you to Lori A. You are amazing and I am forever in your debt.
You are all amazing, and I thank you!!
Congrats!! I too will be looking around the December time frame if my contract is not renewed at the pharma company I work for in SE CT. I will be sure to turn to the board if I don't get any leads.
Nothing like starting fresh!! It is always challenging and something to look forward to!
Nancy K