Wednesday Support Group
Can you tell me what the support groups are about and the time for them. I had my surgery (lapband) on 9/21/04. Things are going really good, but I need to get into some type of support group that is on a regular basis. I also live in Harwinton, CT which is in the northwest corner, so if anyone knows of any support group meeting that are on this end of the state, it would be appreciated.
I am new to this whole site and have been watching and reading the past week, it is nice to see such wonderful support from everyone.

This is the only one I have been to, but it starts with a portion for pre-ops, showing what to expect during your hospital stay and such. At 5:45 the meeting is for pre/post-op. There is usually a patient that speaks about their journey and the nutritionist, therapist and 1 or 2 of the nurses are there to answer questions. I really find it beneficial to listen to everyone and ask a few questions.
I wish I knew of some meetings in your area, but I really have no clue.