OT - Fenway Fun!!
Hi everyone,
Well, I gotta tell you aout Saturday night's game. Our seats were 7 rows up from the Sox's dugout!! I was so close that when I blew a kiss to David Ortiz he saw me and pretended to catch it!
I was sitting in front of Donnie Wahlberg who was so humble and sweet, I instantly fell in love. He kept playing with my hair even before I knew it was him, and Gary kept telling everyone that Donie Wahlberg was flirting with his wife! We also saw Steven Spielberg, Terry Bradshaw, and of course the Evil Empire. Bwah ha ha ha!
I also was able to accomplish what 1% of Fenway visitors get to do...I WAS ON THE JUMBOTRON! Inbetween innings they played "Sweet Caroline" and of course I had to jump up and shake my thang...and then BOOM! There I was, large than life! Too bad Gary missed it...he was in the boys room! Ha!
And they lost...but I had so much fun it didn't matter.
And best of all, I fit in the seat!
Donnie...wait for me! I'm coming for you!
Have a great week, everyone!
Hello Red Sox Girl!
It sounds like your night was fantastic!! I guess Donnie liked your new hairdo, eh??
It just highlights the new you, stars flirting with you, your face plastered across the jumbotron -- you rock!!
Of course, I enjoyed the night for other reasons, but I digress .....
I'm glad you had such a blast!