Twins of the 18th!
Two special people are having surgery on Monday the 18th! Robin and Kathy K. I just want to know what an inspiration and support you have both been to this board. May you both have an uneventful, sucessful surgery. Just remember...its rough at first...but things DO improve each and every day!! Your humor and great spirit will get you through. May God Bless "The Twins of the 18th" If you haven's posted your support on their pages yet..please do so soon!

HI Joanie
Your message made me smile when I read this message this morning. You know I called Robin yesterday because I was upset over the phone from my husband s brother's wife, Cheryl ( thry live New Orleans) Cheryl is Practier (sp) Nurse and think she knows everything. she warned me that this surgery is too dangerous and i will be sorry after I did it, I told her that I do not need her negatives support and I know what I am doing and told her to not call me and hang up. Can you imagine she called me and told me that words very near my surgery time. (FUI Nicky andf his brother are not that close and she heard about my surgery from Nicky s dad which his brother calls his dad once a week. ) It made me more nervous andworried more. Robin helped me to talk about things and I CAN NOT BELIEVE HOW CALM SHE IS!!!! I am more nervous than her!!! Thank you for listening this. Joanie THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME AND ROBIN. I am sure Robin go home on Wednesday and I will go home on thursday late afternoon.
Kathy K
I am so glad you hung up on that woman! The nerve of some people...and especially one in the medical profession! You ARE doing the right thing...and worrying is ok Kathy...but your decision is made and you have done your homework and know what you are getting into. You have a great surgeon and are in excellent hands. Robin has a great surgeron too..I have heard wonderful things about Dr. Bell. All the prayers coming from this board for you two...and the support and love..will get you through this. Have a wonderful day! Let the weight loss begin!
You're so funny. I wish I could just be there to calm YOU down! I AM calm, (crazy I know) But I have the peace of God and I am not nervous in the least.I am just excited to be on my way and can hardly believe it is here!!
I took a long shower yesterday, and did all the personal things that make me feel good, you know clipping, plucking, shaving,( legs that is !HA!) Now I feel in tip top shape to be seen without clothes. ( well as tip top as can be WITHOUT clothes! Ewwww) So now, maybe I'll take a nap. You're gonna be great Kathy.
Talk to you soon
Robin R
Dear Kathy,
I'm sure you are surprised to be hearing from me in this forum. My sister Brenda happened upon this website and your profile last summer and told me about it. Since then, I have been checking in every once in a while to see how things are progressing for you. Imagine my shock when I read this posting that you made. I visited the site to see if your angel had reported on your surgery and saw this. Apparently you and I did not have the same phone conversation on Saturday morning; either that or the Relay operator was typing things that I definitely did not say(which I doubt is the case). I called to wish you good luck with your surgery and let you know that we would be thinking of you on the big day. What you have told other people I said is an utter lie. I never pretended to know everything, in fact I was asking you questions about the procedure. I never said the surgery was 'too dangerous' or that you would be sorry you had it after it was done. We then talked about the kids, Dad K. and Jean and you asked me if I was still going to school. We hung up after you said that you were getting ready to go pumpkin picking with Nicky and the kids. You never told me that you did not need my negative support (probably because I didn't give any), nor did you tell me not to call anymore or hang up on me. I'm curious as to why you want to turn a nice telephone call into a bunch of lies and create a situation that never existed. You have painted a very ugly picture with the lies you have written and I take exception to it and felt the need to set the records straight with the other people on this web site. In closing, I sincerely hope that everything will go well for you and wish you a speedy recovery.
Cheryl Krewsky