Joanie's Food Log-Saturday
Hi Gang-Another neighborhood related weekend. The guys are having their bi-yearly golf tournament...then we are having a gathering tonight and a fire. Its amazing we can still party outside this time of year...the fire pit helps alot! I am making a big pot of clam chowder, I cannot wait to have some! Football/Soccer games also prevail this weekend with the kids. is what I am eating today...
B-rye toast with low fat cheese melted
S-protein drink
L-roast beef and mustard wrapped around string cheese
S-momentum bar
D-Clam Chowder!! I know soup is not supposed to be a meal...(against pouch rules...but its not everyday I do I am allowed!)
Have a Great Weekend CT!

Hi Joanie,
Wow this has been a weird food day for me so I thought I would share it....
Breakfast- 3 pieces of bacon, 1 Atkins Choc. Chip Breakfast Bar
Lunch- about a cup of this Polish Salad that has no name but was deliscious......corn, red peppers, polish celery, cheese, ham, celery and a mayo based dressing (not sure if I missed anything)
Snack- another choc. chip break fast bar after I had a large decaf coffee with half and half and splenda
Dinner- Turkey, with a bit of gravy, mashed cauliflower (yummm and this is from a person who wouldn't even look at cauliflower pre-op) and light gel with mandarin orange pieces in it. (also had a handful of pistachio nuts)
Snack?????? This is my downfall the eating in the evening.
It is almost 7pm and I have already had over 100 oz of fluids today.
Have a great time with your neighbors

Thanks for the congrats on my weight loss Joanie. I am jealous that you are sitting by the firepit tonight. That has been one of my favorite things to do since Jack got one of those Coleman fireplaces for Father's day. Today was his birthday and we went to our nephew's football game, Ledyard won --- yay!! Then off to my mother in law's for Jack's birthday dinner. Okay, you all will think I am just awful for saying this, but Mom isn't the greatest cook and since she didn't have anything on her menu that was safe for me to eat, I brought my own. To have a Dr's note to not eat the mil's cooking was almost worth having the surgery all on it's own!!! OOOOHHHHHHH I am so bad.
B- cottage cheese
snack ff lactaid milk with 1 scoop of beneprotein
L - tuna salad
D - Chicken parmesan
snack sf,ff white chocolate pudding with 1 sc. beneprotein
Enjoy your fireside gathering, Joanie!

Hey...good way to get out of eating some bad cooking Terri! No fire pit tonight..because of rain...we took the party inside. I picked a little...but stayed on track with most of the things. I had my chowder then made a salad with some of the ham from the six foot sub they had. Then I ate some pineapple I did well.