Hi my WLS support group friends,
I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in attending a creative memories party to begin scrapbooking your WLS journey. The cost would be $10.00 for instructions, and all supplies you needed to complete a page of five or 6 pictures. Also included are raffles.The party would be in Bristol on a Friday or Saturday evening. Let me know. I love scrapbooking. I am very pleased on how my WLS one is coming out which I can share with those of you who want to come.
Hi Lauren,
I am starting to send out my invitations for the Scrapbooking party. If you are still able to make it please e-mail me you address and I will send you the official invitation. Also if you have anyone who would like to come that is great! The more the merrier! There is plenty of room since I will be doing it at my office on Main Street
Hi Carmen,
I am getting started with sending out my invitations for the Scrapbooking party. I hope you can still make it. I would love to meet you. If you are still interested please e-mail me your address and I will send you the invitation. Feel free to bring some friends with you if you want company on the ride. Sandy
Hi Kathy,
How are you feeling? I was just getting ready to send out my invitations for my scrapbooking party and wanted to check to see if you were still interested. I hope you can make it! I would love to meet you as I'm sure the other members of the board would too. Let me know ok.
PS Great article in the Paper. I may have to get your autograph!!
Great idea Sandy!
I will be celebrating my 1 year anniversary on Dec 1st and I faithfully work on my scrapbook. I made sure I took pictures before surgery and I document every month. The transformation is incredible. My own family needs to be reminded with the pictures. They all say that they did not truly see me before the surgery. I certainly know that I had an accurate picture of myself but it is an incredible experience to share with others. Best of luck with this project. I'm sure you will gather lots of interest.
You know I will come! I haven't started my WLS scrapbook yet. I need to get more on the ball and take more pictures of my progress than I have been.
Is this going to be a crop as well? I don't think I would make the page from Creative Memories since I don't really do that style but I would love to come and scrap if it's that type of thing.
I can't wait to meet some more people from here
Thanks for the invite!
Eileen (who is compulsively, 100% over the top, dream about it in my sleep, addicted to scrapping!)