Joanie's Food Log-Thursday
I'm such an Italian!!
I still eat all the Italian peasant (sp) food. Broccoli rabe is sold in most produce depts. got it at Stop & Shop. You have to cut off the stems before you cook it. Saute some garlic in olive oil. Steam the broccoli, very briefly, drain it...add to garlic, add salt, pepper, and some garlic salt too, and cover and coo****il tender. If you want to make it with italian sausage, cook the sausage first, then cut it up in small slices. Add to mixture. The more you cook it, the more tender it is...there should be juice in the bottom..not a dry thingy, if you know what I mean. I am so bad at giving recipes of things I cook w/out a recipe. Does it make sense?

I LOVE your daily food log. I am still pre-op, but I have been saving the information for after my surgery. It will make things so much easier.
I met with Judy the Nutritionist at Dr. Barba's office today. I only have to lose two pounds in the next month.
I must have caught her on a good day. If all goes well, and Cardiac and Pulmonary finally clear me (extra problems there) I should have surgery in or around February. WOOHOO!!!!!!

Thanks for keeping this up Joanie. It does help me to see what everyone else is eating.
My day:
Breakfast: water. Not hungry this morning.
S- 1/3 of a protein bar
Lunch- small chili from wendy's with extra onions
Dinner- went to dakota's for Marc's birthday dinner. Had grilled chicken and a few bites of my daughter's steak and some salad.
s- two bites of birthday cake
exercise- treadmill 30 minutes, one circuit of weights and 45 min. aerobic class.