Self-Defense Course FOUND!
Hey CT!
I recently inquired about a basic self defense course for women. While some may say this is OT I don't. For me and possibly some others, having my body get smaller, while wonderfully exciting, is also scary. So I thought, why not find a way to feel safe (AND NOT EAT!). Hence the self-defense idea. I found one and am passing the info on those that might be interested.
WEST HAVEN, CT - A FREE woman's self-defense workshop will take place Saturday (assuming it is this coming) from 5 to 7 pm at Assembly of the Martial Arts Academ, 841 Jones Hill Road.
The workshop will demonstrate simple but effective moves th at can save a woman's life. There will be a discussion of how to assure your safety.
The workshop is FREE, but registration is required. Call 931-1979 and leave your name, phone number and number of people attending.
just passing along the info.

Hi Deb:
I did call yesterday and spoke with the owner (Adam). He will be offering the workshop again, hoping to make it a monthly thing, eventually charging $25 each month. He told me that this kind of thing (street self-defense) is not learned in one session (makes sense). I also told him that others may be interested. Will keep you in the loop. Or you can call him to find out more details. They also offer a cardio kick-boxing class.
On a lighter poor husband....heehee.
His wife goes from being morbidly obese to "Ninja-woman"!

Their is also a lady by the name of:
Donna M. Kirby-Reynolds (she had WLS about 18 years ago)
Personal Safety Specialist
Classes in Self-Defense
Non-Martial Arts Training
NRA Certified Instructor
Former Police Lt
Her phone number is 401-596-3909
Her email is: [email protected]
If you contact her tell her Beth recommended you.
Good Luck!