Hope again!
Hi Everyone!
I've been waiting to post with some news so here it is. I HAVE HOPE!! I went to see Dr. Reinhold from St. Raphaels Hospital today and he told me so much about myself.
First of all, what I am feeling IS NOT NORMAL!! 18 months post op! Like duh, I knew it, but it seemed like no one else did. Bottom line is, I need to gain some weight, and he is doing some tests. An upper GI and a CAT Scan for starters. No one has suggested these tests in the past. This is because he feels there could be something wrong with my mesh, (allergic reaction, rejection) or/and my gallbladder which I never had removed. This is SO much better than just hearing that it's scar tissue and getting steroid shots in my belly. PLEASE do not take this as a slam on Dr. Giles. I love him and respect him. What I feel is that he and I are not only colleages but friends also, more than patient and doctor now. I never want to do anything to jeopordize that relationship and will continue to support him and run his support groups and whatever else I can do to help his patients. I just felt it was time to get a different perspective and that's why I went today. I mean he could be wrong too, who knows? I just know I have been in constant pain since June since I had my tummy tuck which was NOT performed by Dr. Giles but by Dr. Chandawarker whom I do NOT recommend.
I hope I am saying all of this right, please if you are a patient of Dr. Giles, continue with him, in my eyes he is the best. And a very dear friend. But no one will take better care of you than you. I have to take care of me. I am trying to eat more often during the day so I can put on a few pounds and hopefully that will work. I still do not eat sugar or carbonation. He said that was fine. I do eat carbs, and probably stuff in that category I shouldn't be.
Thank you all for being there for me throughout this ordeal. There are many of you that email me privately and you are my rocks. God bless each one of you angels.
If one point rings loud in this post, please let it be, listen to your body, don't brush things off, and keep pursueing for answers until you get them.
love and hugs to you all!
Cheryl (boy, I REALLY need a new pic)

Hi Cheryl
Welcome back to our Ct Message board!! There are alot of people here missed you included me !!! I am happy to hear about this and hope that will slove your problem and move on.... True it is important to listen our body than ingornce our body.. Thank you for wishing me good luck for my surgery coming!!! I know it is almost here soon !!! I am looking forward to see you on Nov. 20th and will give you big teddy bear hug!!!! Keep come back in our Ct Message Board!
Kathy K

Hi Cheryl,
I am soooo glad that you posted your update. I had been thinking of you all day on Monday and wondering what happened. You know I just assumed (silly me) that you had your gall bladder out when you had your open so I never even thought of that possibility. That would explain lots of things as would an ulcer etc. Hopefully you will have relief soon
As to your comments on Dr. Giles, its like I was saying at the last support group meeting at Yale. As wonderful as our surgeons are, they specialize in certain things. We can't expect them to know everything about all the rest of the systems in our bodies. We do need to seek other opinions and remember that not everything is related to the WLS.
Take care my friend and let me know if you need anything. Hope we do finally get to gether one of these days......


Hi Cheryl
I've missed you - in fact you were on my mind last night, and I was going to email you this morning to see how you were doing. I'm so glad to see that you've posted, and that your meeting with Dr. Reinhold went well.
I'll continue to pray for you - and I hope things turn around quickly.
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau

AMEN Cheryl! GOod for you for advocating for yourself, since you are the only one who can! You have an excellent attitude. I hope that Dr. Reinhold can help you. He certainly sounds like he wants to get down to the cause. Thank God.
You should NOT have to suffer in pain!
take care of yourself...I'm so glad that you are headed towards a resolution.
Lisa C