Hi Everyone,
I got home late yesterday from the hospital and have my first POST-OP question. I borrowed a recliner from a friend to sleep in, but it is very uncomfortable and I only lasted a few momemts in it.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a medical equipment rental company in CT that has lifting recliners and delivers? All suggestions are welcome.
I'll post again soon,
APEX Pharmacy in Hamden has all types of adaptive equipment, and they deliver. I don't have their phone #, but I'm sure they are listed. They are closed on Sundays though!
Do you have to sleep in a recyliner? I slept in my own bed, and was happy to be there after that nasty hospital bed.
Welcome home!
Lori, in all honesty, you did not look like you just had major surgery the day before I saw you! Me? I was like the walking dead...until the Dilauded kicked in.
I did not use a recliner, I slept in my bed or the couch and used my body pillow. If you dont have one I'd be more than happy to drop mine off. Let me know if you want to give it a try.
Now, walk walk walk, and tell Regis & Kathy I said hello!