Bundle of Nerves
I have my appointment with Dr. Aranow's dietician at 3:00 today. I am a BUNDLE of nerves. I really have my fingers crossed that I have lost the 10 pounds. It's been HARD. I've been faithful for weeks now. I actually stopped weighing myself because it was stressing me out so much.
Did you post ops go thru a hard time with the presurgery weight loss? If I haven't lost all the weight I need to, I know I'm going to feel devastated. I won't give up, but it's gonna hurt.
Talk to you all when I get back!
Hope it all worked out Tammy..but I am going to confess something, I only told one person before my surgery. I went for my weigh in pre op at Dr.As office and the scale only read 6lbs lost. My scale said 11~! Anyway..I threw out that scale..cried alot that week and went back the following week and lost 9.7 lbs..They scheduled my surgery.. I cannot tell you how disappointed I felt and what a failure I felt like during that week. Its all behind me now...three months post op..and down 51 lbs. OK while we are telling secrets..I would not dare weight myself before surgery, because I was sure I gained some of that 10lbs back..and I held my breath that they didnt weigh me at the hospital before surgery! Dr.A said my liver was HUGE and it was a difficult surgery...in retrospect, I wish I had been better at keeping that weigh off. Ahh yes, Confession is good for the soul!