I got a tentative date of Nov. 15th (on my 40th b-day) for my surgery!

Thank you Kathy! How are you feeling? Have you been to the pre op class? What was that like? Did you/do you have to go through any pre op testing( lab work,meet with the anestesiologist etc.) at the hospital(the kind you have for other surgeries about 1 week before the surgery?)
I'm excited for you! I'll be praying for you! Big hugs! Carrie (Carolyn)

Hi Carolyn
Yes, I went through pre op testing (just blood work and EKG) at Essex , ct . There are three places you can go for pre - op testing are Essex, Middletown and Marlborugh. Lois will send you information through mail soon. I will go to see private with all nurses who will work with me while I am at hosptial then later go to pre op class on Oct 13th with my husband.
Kathy K