SALE! Revival Soy Chips
Hi everyone!
Go****'s been a long while since I've been on the boards!! Hope everyone is doing well.
Just wanted to let you all know that Revival Soy is having a sale in the month of October on their Soy Chips (love these things and they're a good way to get in some soy protein).
Sale this month is Soy Chip Variety Pack - 11 bags for $10 (save $2.95)
or buy 2 15-packs of soy chips and get 1 15-pack free (save $14.99).
I've tried the barbeque flavor and they're great...this month I'm spicin' it up and going for the Salsa, Jalapeno, and the Garlic! OLE!
Hugs to all - I hope this was helpful...
(oh and their website is of course revivalsoy dot com)
Hi Carla,
Glad to see you back and posting
. I hope that all is going well and you are back up to speed. Thanks for the info on the revival chips. I have never tried them, I am an atkin's cruncher girl myself but always like to try new ones so I will check them out.
I don't know if you have read about the Nov. 20th gathering but I do hope you will be able to come. It is at On the Border in Orange!! Yep right in your back yard......

. It looks like we are doing 2:00pm. Let Lisa C. know if you are able to make it. Take care and don't be a stranger .........