What to bring to the hospital????
Hi Everybody,
I need your feedback to tell me I am ready to pack or do I miss something??? Will I be hot at hospital or cold???
Things I already packed are:
personal things
clothes to wear to go home
Do you bring small pillow to hold your stoamch?
Thank you for your feedback so if anything I miss something then I will go to shopping this weekend.
Kathy K
That's all you need, really. You might think about bringing a lotion with a smell that you really like with you just to use on your hands or have someone rub on your feet. It's nice to have something a little pampering.
Don't forget to wear comforable loose clothing to the hospital. Nothing too tight in the waist. You can wear the same clothes home that you wore to the hospital. I brought slippers, but didn't wear them, because the hospital no-slip socks were so much more convenient. And, I didn't have to worry about getting them on and off, they just stayed on.
I did not remember to bring a pillow, but it really WOULD have helped to have it for the ride home. I recommend one.
I brought my own shampoo and conditioner to use (in little trial size bottles) in the hospital, because I'm fussy about that. I also brought lipstick, face cleanser and moisturizer (I'm such a girl), wet wipes (for the toilet) which were GREAT and my own toothbrush and toothpaste, again, because I'm fussy about that. The only thing that was REALLY great to have, whichthe hospital can't supply for you is the WET WIPES.
Your day is coming so quick!!!
Wish I could be with you next week...
Hi Lisa
I wrote down wet wipe on my list!!! Me too! I wish you will be there to share this moment with reporter but your important client comes first. I want to double check with you that did I give you my sister in law 's cell phone number did I ? Your friend Anahid ( I think I spelled her name right) will share with you this moment over the phone. Looking forward your visit me at hospital and make me walk walk walk SMILE!!!
Kathy k

I brought a robe, changes of undies, slippers and chapstick and only used the chapstick. the slippers that they give you are like socks with tread on the bottom and with the air pumps on your feet all the time it was easy to have the slippers on with the pumps.
I thought it was warm in the hallways, but cooler in the room, although it was just right for me in the room.
I think a pillow for you stomach is a good idea and if you want to wear a t'shirt to go under your binder so it doesn't get too itchy. I did not do this, but I put the binder over my johnnie and put another johnnie over it. Also, if you are on any meds, don't forget to bring those.
Also, my mother in law gives me her old scandal sheets, so I brought those with me for something to read during down times.
You are getting so close!!
Your list looks pretty good to me. I would probably leave the robe and slippers at home though. I brought both, but never took them out of the bag. I did bring some underpants and was glad I did. A small pillow is an excellent idea, at least to keep in the car! I bought a travel size pillow at wal-mart which is perfect. I tried a regular pillow, but it was too big....
I am glad to see you are getting prepared so early! I was packing and shopping the day before (my date was also moved up to the next day, so I didn't get a chance over the weekend..).
Good luck, I am so excited for you.....