I need some help from all of you experts on this subject. I am having a really hard time loosing weight lately. It seems like since I can now eat normal food I am not loosing weight at all. I dont think I am eating too much BUT maybe I am. I read all the food logs of everyone and seems Im right in there with them but I do snack at night which is very bad I know. Again they are not unhealthy or fat snacks like I ate before surgery but one snack is not enough. I need some help because i am still obverweight ( my word for obese and overweight) and I am not satisfied with my results. I am not ready to give up but I want to do something to get back on track and start producing results again. Since Feb I have lost a total of 75 pounds but I still have so far to go. I read about folks who had their surgery at the same time as me and they are soo far aheasd with weight loss. I am really unhappy right now with myself and need some advise.
First of all, 75 lbs. down is good work in 8 months. We all lose at different rates, unfortunately. I'm down 93 lbs. since November. I'd love to lose another 25-30 lbs., but my doctor says it's highly unlikely. In his words, I'm a "little girl, and my body doesn't need as much fuel to heat the furnace," so I won't lose like other people. My response -- great, another perk to being short!! Weight loss speed has so many variables -- age, weight at the start, exercise, genetics, etc. I have to try very hard not to compare myself to others as well. Sometimes I'm more successful than others times ....
That aside, I've been struggling with the very same things you're struggling with lately. I am eating more than I need to at night, and the cravings for sweets, etc. is becoming insatiable. My response was to finally go back to the nutritionist for some guidance, start doing food diaries again, and I'm going into therapy with a social worker who has experience with wls patients. Perhaps you could think about some of these options.
Just remember, you've lost 75 lbs. in 8 months -- that's a whole lotta weight, so don't beat yourself up!!
Hang in there!
Peace -
Kathy F.
Hello Elaine,
I worry too about if Im eating correctly. The first few weeks I lost so much and loved that! Its been 6 months now since my surgery. About 3 months ago it slowed down to losing 2 pounds a week. Then 2 months ago it slowed to 1 pound a week. This week I didnt lose anything. Total in this time is 86 pounds. I'm at 191 now and am 5' 7". My goal is 150. If I make it I'll be thrilled but this is the first time since I was 11 years old that I'm under 200 pounds. I'm almost 52 so for over 40 years I've been heavy. Usually I was over 300. I understand your worry because I do worry too now that I'm able to eat more plus the weight slows. Kathy was right about the excersise I need to add more of that. I guess there are major changes that have happened with having the surgery now I am working on keeping the good that I did. Changes! Yikes. Really that 75 you've lost is good! I'm so glad to hear you say your not going to give up! Thats very positive. What about drinking the water 15 minutes before you eat? My nutritionist told me to do that. And it has helped me. Good luck and god bless, pam
Hi Elaine:
This beast we deal with (our relationship with food) has been with us far longer than our new habits since given the wonderful "tool" of WLS. As was said to you...do not belittle the weight you have lost to date. See it rather as coming to a new level of understanding and possibly a new awareness of how much more is involved with "recovering" from the "disease" of morbid obesity.
My suggestions:
SEE A NUTRITIONIST regulary and quite often while you are struggling.
(I have one I can refer you to if you like)
SEE A BARIATRIC COUNSELOR who is familiar with eating disorders (morbid obesity is considered an eating disorder). I do believe that we need to tackle the REASONS WHY WE ATE/EAT in order to be completely successful long-term. There is so much of the mind/emotions involved with this process. (I have one I can refer you to if you like)
GET INVOLVED WITH your surgeon's SUPPORT GROUP, attend them regularly and speak up about your struggles right now. I have heard that there is also a support group in Hamden not affiliated with any of the surgeons. I can get you more info on that if you like.
The dance we have all done with food is cunning and slick.
Be honest and proactive in your recovery and you will find yourself back on track and where you would like to be soon. Struggling does not mean you are failing...giving up does. It sounds like you are not ready for that. Good for you.

Hi Elaine,
Please know that what you are experiencing is pretty normal. Our bodies need some time to catch up periodically and there are slow downs and even those dreaded plateaus. Just keep doing the right things, maybe change up yourr exercise routine somewhat and the loss will start again. I have been at a standstill for almost 2 1/2 months now but I know I am eating well, like you I do snack at night (healthy snacks but still.......

, it is frustrating but I know that the weight will start on the downward slide eventually. Don't give up. Things will change once again.