Angel Needed
Hi everyone,
Ok - I goofed
. I offered to be Robin R's angel, forgetting that I will probably be in Jamaica that day. So, I won't be able to be a very good
if I can't get to a computer or a phone for a week, will I
So, is anyone out there willing to take on the job? I know she'll be a fantastic patient, and you'll be very blessed to be her
By the way, you can never have too many angels, so the more the merrier!
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau

Hi Pamela,
An Angel checks on the patient, works with family members to find out how they are doing after surgery, and posts the info to the board so we know what is going on as well. They also offer pre-op support, and sometimes they visit them in the hospital (but not always).
Hope this helps.
Kathy Bilodeau