OT--Bad Neighbors
Hi all--I needed some advice and y'all are the best place for advice these days.
I live on the 3rd floor of a tenament house. The neighborhood is crappy, but fortunately, when I moved in, the neighbors in my building were VERY quiet and considerate.
Across the street was this woman who was constantly yelling at her kids and boyfriend. All kinds of explitives come out of her mouth. I've been woken up by her yelling and throwing a fit at 3 a.m. SEVERAL times. It's really annoying, but I shut the windows when I can and turn up the tv/radio/whatever.
Well.. here's the deal.. the people on the first floor moved out and guess who's moving in???
For the past week they've been yelling in their apartment, outside in the hallway, playing the radio really loud, banging on the walls until midnight and the kids run back and forth on the hardwood floors constantly. You'd think being on the 3rd floor I wouldn't be able to hear any of it, but it actually sounds like they are IN my living room and you can feel the floor shake from them running. Now, question is (I'm a high tempered person.. so I'm trying to remain calm) who should I tell about this? Should I write a letter to them asking them in a nice way to keep it down? (And how would I even word it??) Or should I go directly to the landlord? I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, so I won't just go down there yelling or call the cops. I can't live in this place any more if they keep up with this. It's just not peaceful, in the slightest bit.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Michelle,
Sorry you have to deal with this. I tell you, renting is can be so tough!
I wouldn't deal with these people directly. I'd go straight to your Landlord, or at 3am, the Police. They won't know it's you and you really don't want them to know.
I need to ask this...should DCF be contacted??
Good luck Hun, nobody should deal with bad neighbors.
Thanks for the response Deb. This woman yells, which is bad, but I don't think she hits the kids. I've heard them crying before, but I know it's from falling down or kid play. Trust me, I wouldn't be worried about what she thought if I thought I had to call DCF. I don't tolerate that kind of stuff.
I didn't want to move, right before Christmas (money wise), so I think I can stick it out a little longer. I mean, it's not just the neighbors, but we have no heat in one part of the house and had to plead for 4 months to get windows, so maybe it's for the best.
Thanks again,
Hi Michelle,
I'd start with the landlord. However, since your 2nd post mentions that you have no heat in part of the apartment, I'm wondering what kind of person your landlord is too! If he/she is the type I am thinking, then you should call the police on the neighbors, and the housing authority on the landlord!
You should be able to live peaceably -- I certainly would not put up with it. Of course, I don't put up with much (kind of a downfall of mine), I would have spoken with them - but others wouldn't be comfortable doing that, and I doubt that would help based on what you have shared.
Best wishes to you.
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau
EEEEEK! Neighbors from hell. Sounds like the lady that udes to live across the street from ME! (ummm, her name isn't Linda, is it?)
OK, anyway. Let me answer this as a Landlord. I have two tennants and have had various amounts of 'luck' with each one.
First thing- speak to the other tennants (not the loud lady) and see if they feel the same. Notify them that you intend to complain to the landlord ans ask them to as well.
Second thing you must do is- call you landlord and complain.
Third thing- WRITE your landlord a formal complaint.
Get your landlord to commit to what he's going to do to maintain the peace of the domicile you have rented from him. Put it in writing in your letter.
You have a 'right to quite enjoyment', which is often a term you will find in a lease (please check yours). The other tennants are violating your right to quite enjoyment.
If your landlord is absentee, ineffective or unwilling to cooperate, then you've got to get the police involved, because you're going to need legal cause to break your lease. Getting police reports of disturbing the peace domestic disturbances will support your efforts. She may get a ticket, or if they find any violence being perpetrated, someone might get arrested, perhaps she'll get the point. (she's not beating her kids, is she? Because that's a different matter altogether!)
I hate to tell you this, but no amount of threatenting by the landlord is going to change the obviously pattern behavior of this woman. IF the landlord is serious and WILL evict her and she knows it, they may quiet down a bit. BUT, it's unlikely that any landlord is going to want to go through the eviction process, which is difficult (to say the least!)
If you're lucky and you have a peach of a landlord (like me!) then he'll take care of the problem however it needs to be taken care of.
If you're not lucky and you have an average or not so good landlord, chances are you're going to have to move to get any peace and quiet.
it will not do you any good to get confrontational with the tennant yourself. It could actually cause more problems and turn your apartment complex into a war zone. You don't want to go there. It's bad enough that you have to listen to her screaming at her family. You don't need it directed at you.
as an aside, I can take a look at your lease and tell you if you have any other rights you can exercise. Just le me know if I can help.
Good luck
Lisa C
Hi Michelle
You don't deserve this!!! I agreed with Lisa C. and please let us know how things are going because we all care about you as our family on this message board. That lady should know better and to keep quiet after 800 pm because that is what my kids go to bed!!!! I hope you can break lease and find other nice place to live. I will pray for you and will thinking of you
Kathy K

Sounds like a nightmare!! I've had lousy neighbors and lousy landlords before, so I can relate. In fact, the worst was the last place I lived in!! I have to say biting the bullet & moving out was the best thing I did for my sanity, but I understand that it does take time to prepare for such a move, save security, etc. But yeah, I would put moving in the plans for the near future.
I wouldn't get involved with the tenant. That's just going to make your life miserable, since clearly this woman isn't afraid of confrontation. You'd most likely end up being punished further for your trouble. The landlord would definitely be my first call. However, if the landlord is the kinda guy who lets your apartment go without heat (I know it's early in the cool weather season, so perhaps we should give him the benefit of the doubt??), then I would file a report with the Housing Code people regarding the heat AND the noise. And when the noise is loud after 10:00 p.m., call the cops!! As was mentioned previously, you are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of your home, and this situation makes it impossible for you to enjoy said home.
Shall we send you an eye mask & some earplugs in the meantime??
Hang in there!
Kathy F.
Thank you all for the advice. It's all really good and I trust your advice as well. I will be contacting my landlord to rectify the situation and if that doesn't work, then I'll have to bite the bullet and just move. (I didn't want to stay here much longer anyhow) I used to have a 3 level condo, pretty sweet place in a small town where there was no noise but an occasional siren, so maybe I'm spoiled. There's a big difference here.. which is so much not like that and the people are different too. Anyhow.. can only move on to bigger and better things.
Lisa.. can you be my landlord??
Thanks again for the advice, I do appreciate it.
I'll let ya know how it turns out.