Just told my boss!!
Good morning everyone.... Chilly out there today!!!
I just got back to my desk from talking with my boss about my surgery. I am so lucky to have such a cool boss... she herself is overweight and knows where I am coming from.
So anyway, I went to explain about my upper GI scheduled for tomorrow morning and how I would be making up my time once I go back and because she knows about my medical experiences throughout the year, she asked what they were doing it for... and I said .. Well, I am planning on having WLS. She looked shocked at first and then started asking questions... she was genuinely interested. She then said, " I cant wait to see you after!!!"
I hope all is well with everyone today! I had to share my story! For once, someone who was curious and didnt judge... instead educated herself on the topic!
Hi Beckie
That is great you have a nice boss and want to know about this WLS. I did not tell my supervisor or manager because we are not that close . I told them that I will have a major surgery and will be home for 4 weeks to recovery.
You are lucky to have a cool boss!!!! Appreciate this !!!
Kathy K

Support at work is wonderful. I had lots of it here at work...but a few skeptics had seen a girl that worked here a couple yrs ago...eat her way out of her pouch---never losing much weight and having to have a revision a yr later..so that is all they have seen. Since I they have seen me..and how dedicated I have been...they are very supportive. I get compliments daily...its great!
Hey there,
I told my boss back in May since I had so many appts being scheduled. Like you he was incredibly supportive and even said he knows people that have had it and if I wanted to talk with them about their experiences he will gladly give me their #'s. he has worked totally with all my appts. He knows when I meet with the surgeon (Oct 21). He has made this experience really wonderful!!! Great bosses are hard to come by it seems at times. I am for sure lucky!
I've been really lucky as well! My boss works WITH me to make sure I can get the time off for my appointments. She has also allowed alot of comp time and flexing my schedule.
I work hard for her, and she is certainly showing her appreciation!
She also got me in contact with others that she knew had the surgery...I can't ask for much more.