Pre Op Weight Lost Goal
For Dr. Aranow's patients when he tells you that you have to lose a certain amount, do you have to go back and see him to see if you lost it or when you go to Elina his dietician does she report back to him that you lost it. Also if you did not lose it all and have to come back who do you see. Just wndering because my second visit with Elina is tomorrow and I am paying out of pocket and just need to know if I will have to see her again or Dr. Aranow
Hi LaToya,
I had to lose weight for pre-op and did not lose the enitre 10 lbs . I had to go back and get weighted in ..One of the office staff will do it and record it. I happen to have run into Elina and she weighted me but she said anyone would do that for me/us. I saw her twice and did not have to make an appointment for the last weigh -in . Good luck.