Oct. 4 Middlesex Meeting
Hi, Kathy!
Thank you for letting us know for sure about Oct. 11th. When I called Dr. A's office this morning, whoever it was that I talked to thought that there was no meeting because there are no meetings on holidays. I replied that the flier says that there are no meetings on MAJOR holidays and that to me Columbus Day is a minor holiday. She then said that their office is closed so therefore there probably isn't a meeting. I tried calling the hospital to check, but they referred me to the gastric bypass info. line (860-344-6130) whose phone just rang and rang...
It would be nice to meet your husband that night.
See you then,
Isn't this meeting just the informational session that you have to attend that Dr. Aranow's give. Well I will not be there tonight anyway because my original dietician with Elina was oct 11 but they called me friday and informed me that this is columbus day and they are closed so they tried to reschedule it to 11/25 but I pleaded and it has been moved to this wednesday so I am trying to get as much exercise as I can in so I make my weight goal of losing 20 pounds but see you all next Monday.
This is the first Monday of the month, which is a pre-op only group. You get a change to review what life will be like after surgery, diet retrictions, exercise, and all the other good things you will be doing after (and hopefully before) surgery.
Tomorrow, the first tuesday of the month is the post-op only support group. All different questions.
All the other Monday meetings are pre and post-op open groups.
Eileen, I am so happy too. At first when they told me this I was freaking out and sweaty because I just came back from the gym. I had to tell myself to calm down God will find a way and he did and my supervisor gave me approval to leave work and come back. I am just happy they caught the mistake in time and I know they are probably busy and that is why it happened in the first place.