VitB12 and Calcium
I brought the subject up about Calcium Citrate and Calcium Carbonate to Dr. Bell at my info session. He said that it does not matter which calcium you take, that the info we get about the difference between the two are coming from people who are trying to make money off the deal. As for me, I will take some viactive at first, and see how my labs turn out. And go from there. I did a lot of research on this, and could not come up with any conclusions from any medical personnel.
I got a chewable calcium sup at GNC, it has both Calcium Citrate and Calcium Carbonate. I haven't tried them yet, I have been sticking with the pepcid complete that Debby reccomended. I also bought sublingual B-12 at GNC (reccomended in one of Diana's handouts). When do we start taking B-12, it was not on my list when I was discharged, but I don'r want to have any problems if I should be taking it. Should I just wait till my first visit with Debby next week to find out?
Hi Ann and all...
Something to keep in mind...
These doctors are surgeons, not nutritionists.
I ask all my nutritional questions of my nutrtionist when I see her weekly.
She had no vested interest in any money making deals, just my health.
That said....
citrate vs carbonate
many have argued over this topic.
my sources say that carbonate does not absorb as well and can help to make you constipated.
I use a liquid calcium citrate that I got at the healthfood store.
I get B12 shots monthly.
Each post-op has to find their own way in this world of getting healthy. I rely on my nutritionist to guide me.