VitB12 and Calcium

Ann M.
on 9/29/04 3:29 am - Norwich, CT
I have been taking the B12 in tablet form and have been chewing Tum EX for my calcium. Well, people on line have been telling me that I should be taking my B12 sublingual and Calcium Citrate instead of Calcium Carbonate (Tums EX). I had asked Deb at Dr. Valin's about this last week and she told me that this was okay. My bloodwork won't be done until December to check my levels. I brought the topic up at the Backus Support group last night because I still had my doubts, despite what Deb told me. After hearing what people there had to say, I went out to the Green Market in Lisbon today and got the B12 lozenges. Then I went down the road to WallyWorld and picked up the Calcium Citrate. I don't want to take any chances that these essential supplements aren't getting absorbed by my system. Too important.
Kathy K.
on 9/29/04 3:43 am - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Hi Ann what it Wallyworld? Forgive me because I never went there in this area. Where I will get Calcium Citrate? Please email me for direction so I will buy this before I go to hospital hugs Kathy K
Carmen S.
on 9/29/04 2:42 pm - Norwich, CT
Wallyworld is another name for Walmart.
on 9/29/04 3:50 am - NORTH HAVEN, CT
RNY on 07/02/04 with
I take Viactiv Calicium chews (3) everyday. They are my morning snack--since I saw the dietician and she told me I should be spacing out my multivitimin and not taking it with the calcium. I also take the liquid B-12 once a week. Kathy..Wallyworld is a term of endearment for Walmart! Joanie
Kathy K.
on 9/29/04 4:01 am - Waterford, CT
RNY on 10/18/04 with
Joanie Thank you for explaining me about Wallyworld !!!! Kathy K
on 9/29/04 4:58 am - Central, CT
It's interesting that some surgeons say ABSOULTELY no calcium carbonate and others just indicate that any kind of calcium is fine, isn't it? I've always equated it to the same factor as to why we all have very different diets to follow-post op. Go figure. I'm with you though. If there's a change that carbonate (used to LOVE viactive chews) won't be absorbed properly, I'll just go with the citrate (yuckie horse pills) and err on the side of caution. Just as an FYI, I get a sublingual B12 complex (a liquid that you use a dropper to put it under your tongue and hold there for 30 sec. then swallow) at 'Wallyworld' it works great too if you ever want to try something other than lozenges. Best, lisa c
Ann M.
on 9/29/04 5:06 am - Norwich, CT
Lisa, I used the liquid B12 after I got out of the hospital. I couldn't take the taste! I would gag it up into the sink! Sorry for being so graphic. I know others who take the liquid and it doesn't bother them one bit. The B12 lozenges were actually cheaper (by a few cents) at The Green Market than they were at WallyWorld! Go figure!
on 9/29/04 5:19 am - Central, CT
You know, I do agree, the liquid tastes kinds like rusty nails or old shoes (not that I actually eat old shoes...I just assume!) But, I always drink it down with a swig of OJ, which seemed to mask it pretty well. The lozenges sound interesting too! perhaps I shall give them a go next time I need B12. Thanks!
on 9/29/04 6:27 am - East Haven, CT
Dr. Bell requires that his patients get a B12 injection once a month, and we take to calcium chews per day and two multivitamins with iron. The B12 is sure to get absorbed when injected. JA
Peter Ligas
on 9/29/04 7:27 am - East Haddam, CT
RNY on 12/30/02 with
Yes, calcium citrate is more easily absorbed, but most Drs will be happy with any calcium supliment you take. As a side note, do not take the calcium with regular coffee or (Oh Gosh NO anyway...) Coke or colas. The caffene blocks absorption of calcium also, so it has a double whammy for us. Time needed from B-12 or caffene to calcium should be 2 hours. The less you wait, the worse the absorption. Peter ps. Can you tell that I've been reading too many newsgroups about WSL!!!
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