Joanie's Food Log-Wednesday
Its not too much to ask- and you can do it! You look marvelous...and think of how well you have done this past year. My dietician said I didn't need to come back to see her if I didn't want...but I made an appt for a six month follow up..because I will probably need her MORE then. Good for you that you asked for help. You have been a support to so many here..we are here for you too!
Well I don't know exactly what the rest of the day will bring but here goes soooo far:
B- atkins breakfast bar, 3 small pieces of pre-cooked bacon
Snack- cup of mixed nuts and sesame stix
L- 1/2 cup of crab salad, 1/2 bag of atkins crunchers, 1 1/2 dill pickle spears, 4oz of mussleman's light peach sauce
Snack? Hopefully none
Dinner- homemade turkey chili and a veggie
snack- this is my downfall time
Have a great day everyone.

ok.. this is my first post to the food log. I must say this is one of the most helpful items on the boards!
As surgery is Friday.. I am on 1000 calorie diet..
B- Basil Chicken Lean Cuisine... I work night shift so this was a wonderful breakfast
L- Burgundy Steak Lean Cuisine
D- Alfredo Chicken Lean Cuisine
This pre-packaged dinner thing was the easiest was to make sure I kept to the 1000 calorie diet
(confession.... I did have one..ok two pretzel rods)

Hey! For once I have a day planned, so I can participate in this post! Yippee for me (ok, so I'm a slacker on the meal planning, but...)
B- 1/2 lo carb egg bagel with peanut butter (low sugar Jif) and a few slices of bannana
later... 20 ounces of Decafe chai (made from tea bag) with fat free creamer and splenda
L- Weigh****chers Chicken Marsala with broccoli entree (nobody freak! but YES I ate the whole thing.)
D- Crab stuffed salmon with acorn squash (YUM- I love acorn squash!)
S- I don't really eat snacks...but I might have a few peanutbutter crackers if I feel like I need to or some popcorn or fruit.
Lisa C
I can't really share with the what are you eating? since I had a couple bites of something and felt quesy so I am taking the advice of everyone and drinking the closest thing I have to chamomile tea which is sleepy time tea (The first ingredient is Other than that I havn't been able to get much more in. So I am going to just stick with tea, it goes down very nice.
I need to take a survery.... Who eats popcorn. Lisa C. Just mentioned it and I have seen some of you note you east it also. If you eat it do you ever break the rule of "no drinking while eating"? I loved popcorn pre-op but I'm not sure if I can eat it without drinking too. Sorry for hijacking your post Joanie.