I could just scream need to vent
Not to plug Dr. Aranow more but I think he is awesome too. I know when I was in the hospital he was soooooo caring about what was going on. He also gave the doctor that did my scope his cell number to let him know what was wrong with me so he didn't have to wait for results the next day since he was leaving the hospital.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Dr Anrow sounds like a nice Dr from the feedback everyone has given me. I'll be looking at options once I get this mess cleared up.
I've had 1 little "pity party" yesterday & today over the mess I'm in. I just don't feel well at all. It's not who I am... I'm usually go go go and energy to spare.... I know there are people out there who are worse off than I am so I need to keep perspective... that "this will pass" & I'll be up & running as my normal self in a few weeks...
I've been trying to "hang in there" & tolerate the pain I'm feeling.. (comes & goes) however I looked up what is going on with me... & it isn't good.
I just don't understand why Dr. B & the other Gastric Specialist I was seeing is waiting so long for surgery and making me have a bunch of tests Tuesday? It's consider an "emergency" situation once it's diagnosed. I'm starting to get nauseated when I eat/drink but haven't thrown up.
When the pain hits it's VERY intense & takes my breath away. When it's not hitting it's just a dull burning sensation/throbbing.
I've been living off of cambell's soup and anything soft.. (Thank God for ground chicken, pudding & yogurt) I've started to suppliment with some Whey protein in my drinks & Cream of Wheat to help with protein.... & keep my energy up a little..& picked up some Slim Fast Low Carb drinks for work next week. Usually I avoid refine carbs like the plague but at this point I'm taking anything soft including potato and mushy whole grain pasta if that's what it takes.
My hubby is getting frustrated for me.... He calls me "one tough chick" but I think his tolerance for what is taking place is getting to him a little. He's going with me on Thursday to Dr. B's appt so if they try to "push me off" he'll be there to help PUSH in the right direction. I'm thinking by the weekend or the following week I'll be in surgery but I personally don't think I'm going to last that long...
Reading the symptoms & side affects I have about 9 out of 10 symptoms... & in adults this can lead to death... HELLO? Yet I have to wait??? I thank GOD... I have a relationship with my Lord & for now I put my trust in him. Definately learning patience... but it's wearing thin.
The fact that I know I have intestine "dying" off in side of me is freaking me out... I am just so ripped off & ticked off over this whole mess.
Can't wait to see how my work is going to "react" tomorrow to my being out (yet again) with more health issues... I blame the hospital for not doing their job completely... this could have been taken care of & I could have been recooperating & back on track by now... (SIGH)
On a side note...I paragraph everything.. out yet when I submit it comes out in one big run on mess??
Thanks everyone... please keep good thoughts & prayers sending my way.
Hi Mickey,
I am glad to hear that you got things cleared up with Dr. Barba. I haven't had any problems with him and I think he is awesome BUT latley I have heard some not so nice things about his office help.
Someone should let him know that his office is ruining his reputation. And if I get the chance I will definatley let him know. Its sad that these things have to happen to such a good surgeon. He saved my life and I will always be greatful. Too bad his help doesn't care!!
Good Luck,
Mickey, first of all I hope by the time you read this your situation is getting better! I highly suggest that you (and your husband) de-personalize your "relationship" with Dr. Barba. There are SERIOUS issues that you have had to unnecessarily confront and you're not out of the woods yet. The way you have been treated is absolutely unconcionable - at the very least. I will stop there but you can get the drift of where this is headed...please keep us informed of how you're doing. And find a NEW surgeon! By the way, I wholeheartedly agree with Rich about Dr. Aranow - he is simply the best in the region, his staff is superlative--very caring, generous people, and I can't say enough good things about the Bariatric nursing staff at Middlesex...Maureen
Mickey, first of all I hope by the time you read this your situation is getting better! I highly suggest that you (and your husband) de-personalize your "relationship" with Dr. Barba. There are SERIOUS issues that you have had to unnecessarily confront and you're not out of the woods yet. The way you have been treated is absolutely unconcionable - at the very least. I will stop there but you can get the drift of where this is headed...please keep us informed of how you're doing. And find a NEW surgeon! By the way, I wholeheartedly agree with Rich about Dr. Aranow - he is simply the best in the region, his staff is superlative--very caring, generous people, and I can't say enough good things about the Bariatric nursing staff at Middlesex...Maureen