OT - Anyone Hiring??? Time to Network!!
Hey there,
Well, I just got home from my mandatory company meeting, and things didn't go so hot. I think I've overstayed my welcome and it's time for me to move on. I'll spare you all the ugly details, lets just say the harder you work the less you get in return.
Does anyone know of any jobs? I live in New Britain so I'd be willing to travel south to the New Haven area and north past Manchester. I'm currently an account manager with experience is customer service, project management, and HR duties, and I have a ton of experience using MS Office, Lotus Notes, Quicken etc.
Any leads will be greatly appreciated. I've had it.
I'll even be the best WalMart greeter, if that's what it takes!
I'll email my resume and references if needed...
Thanks for listening,
Banknorth is hiring Bank Branch VP's, My husband is loosing 2 of his managers. There is an opening in his waterbury office on north main. and another opening coming up for winsted. Waterbury would be closer for you. Call him 203-759-3646, tell him I told you to call to apply for Awilda's position that is opening up. Its a good paying job and has a ton of potential for growth. A good 401K. and good health insurance. My husbands name is Peter. He can tell you how to apply for it.