Help! Nueritis anyone?
I'm 6 months out this week and in the past week have started with painful numbing in the feet & legs. My GP says it might be caused by my body not obsorbing vitamin B12 even though I take my vitamins & calcium religiously. Has anyone had this? We are waiting for the blood results and will start taking shots instead of by mouth. Anyone with any info would be apreiciated. Other than that I feel great! 85 pounds gone! Thank you and god bless, pam
Hi Pam -
I hope it turns out to be as simple as B12 deficiency, at least that's easily detected and treated. If it turns out not to be the B12, what is the GP going to do? Believe me I feel your pain. As you may know from reading my profile, I came down with a neuro problem in Sept of last year - after many months it was diagnosed as CIDP (a chronic version of Guillian Barre syndrome). Anyways, I had the numbness and tingling and pain in the feet first, then the legs, then the hands... So I am praying for you that it is the B12, if not, have them run Lyme tests, Lupus, and mention the Guillian Barre (my GP laughed when I first mentioned that - but that's what it ended up being!). Anyways, God Bless and Good luck!!! And congrats on the tremendous weight loss success!!
Hi Pam,
I don't know anything about Nueritis (sp?) but I do know that a B12 deficiency can be very dangerous and irreversible at some point. Dr. Bell believes in taking the shots once a month from the beginning to assure absorption of the B12 into our blood streams. Often we don't absorb the vitamins the pills that we ingest through our new stomachs. Do not however just assume it is the vitamin deficiency. Get more test as Carla said and be persistant.
Great job on the weight loss!!