Thank You CT Forum
I just wanted to share my progress with everyone because I really feel proud of myself. I made my goal weight and know I am waiting for Lois to give me a call with my tentative date and insurance approval, hoping and praying that I get approved. I want to thank everyone on this board for all your help and suggestion they are very helpful. I know I rarely post but believe me I log in everyday to read and educate myself with your knowledge and experiences.
Thank you for making this journey easier for me.
Hi Glenda,
We have so mu***** ommon! We both live in 'hard-hittin' New Britain AND see Dr Aranow, whom I ADORE. If that man wasn't married...
You should be very proud of yourself!! Keep up the great work and you'll have a date soon. Make sure you let us know what it is as soon as you can.