Joanie's Food Log Sunday
Better LATE than never. It was a crazy emotional day. I had a gathering of family--my sister is moving to Florida tomorrow. Lots of hugs and tears.
What was the most emotional..was my sister with my 90 yr old aunt. Aunt Rose is a sharp lady--but I know she was thinking..this could be the last time she sees her. Anyway...I got through the day with good food choices.
B-protein shake
LATE Lunch (4pm)-everyone had pizza-- I had boneless chicken in a garden salad
Dessert-family had Italian pastry..I had a momentum bar
Later Dinner-melted low fat cheese on 1 slice of rye toast
------------------73 grams of protein....Baaaaaad Water day!

Ugh.. talk about crappy food day. All this week I'm going hardcore locarb and moving my butt in gear.
Today I went apple picking.. so of course had apples and some sugar laden chai tea. Then I went to lunch and had some fried okra and hashbrown caserole. Then at dinner (bday party) I had a few bites of lasagna and a sliver of pizza, polished down with a few bites of cake.
Even though the amounts were small, I felt so out of control. This week I'm eating nothing but Caprese, Ham/Seafood/Chicken salad.. for lunch and dinner and upping my water like mad. All I can say is "it was my TOM" to account for today's craziness.
On to another day,