Big "E"

Hi, Darlene!
I was just thinking about the Big E and then I saw your post. I used to go to the Big E every year, but haven't for the last few years because there was too much walking involved. I hope to have my surgery before this year is over and going to the Big E next September is one of the things I'm looking forward to doing as a post-op. And just think how much time I'll save when I'm there because I won't be standing in the long, long line at the Maine building waiting to get a baked potato...LOL!
Hi Darlene...I can't wait to go to the Big E! I've never been and could never walk it right now. (surgery in a week). I do go to the Woodstock Fair every year and this year I had to get a wheel chair to go...just couldn't walk it.
It must have been great to just float around and have fun without all the pain and agony!
I also went to the Big E yesterday!!!!! I was not tired at all and everyone that I was with was!!!! I felt great, last year I was so tired and my feet hurt so much.
I could not wait to get out of there, a year later and what a big difference!!!
All the food!!!!!!!!! I got some great sugar free candy in one booth and they are great already went to their website! I also tired some chocolate cover fruit (sugar free) I think in the Maine building and it was great!!!!!!
Life is good!!!