I'm home!!!!!
Got home a couple of hours ago. I did not anticipate the magnitude of the pain. When I feel a little better I will write more. I had terrific support form Terri and Courntey. And Kathy and Patti it was so good seeing you. Now I know why this support group is the best... Thanx to each and everyone one of you who I saw and who posted. It really did make my day : ) Linnie
Hi Linnie
I am glad we bumped you in the hall . I am veyr proud you went for a walk the day after surgey. Now it will be my turn to go through this. I have butterflies in my stomach and pray I will be okay after surgey.
Take rest and get better on each day. We are waiting to hear more from you on this board.
Kathy K
is your surgey was 1245 pm ? Mine will be at 1245 pm and I will go to ICU after surgery because of my sleep apnea.

Welcome Home! I was thinking about you today. How did the protein drinks go down? I am sorry you are feeling so much pain. It will get better every day. So, are you glad to be rid of the roomate from hell? Linnie had a 89 yr old woman in her room that kept asking for smirnoff.
Hope all goes well on your first days home Linnie