Joanie's Food Log-Saturday
Been feeling hungrier lately, not sure what is up. My sister is moving to Florida this coming week and I am having the last family gathering here maybe that is it. Anyway..looks like a great weekend CT. The burning quesition is.....
What ARE we eating?
B-Life Cereal w/CC milk
S-Protein Shake CC milk
L-tuna salad on small green salad /lite dressing
D-my husband is we may go out. I will skip afternoon/eve snack if I do.
Enjoy the weekend gang,
Okay Joanie, we have more things in common than our adopted children and WLS. My Mom is moving to Florida 10-1 and we had a gathering for her last weekend. Weird huh?
Well here is my 1st Joanie's Food log entry:
Breakfast: Isopure Dutch Chocolate shake. 1/2 pouch and 8 oz 1% organic milk for 33g protein
Lunch: Tomato soup 6oz.
Dinner: Designer Whey protein drink with 8oz 1% organic milk 30g protein
snack: maybe will have some cream of chicken soup for a little variety.
Lots of water.
Have a great weekend everyone and good luck with your party Joanie!
Its the first big move for an immediate family member and its tough. I have a 90 yr old aunt that is in assisted living that we look after and my Dad has Alzheimers disease. Kind of feeling a bit sorry for myself--my brother and I are kind of left with it all. I am happy for her that she can do this..(retire at age 54). I am the youngest..but somehow after my Mom passed 9 yrs ago, I turned into the family matriarch. I am sounding like such a martyr right now...I don't mean to be. I love being there for my family--but with my own kids (ages 11 and 16) I feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes. OK..pity party over.
Not sure I am going to get to lunch until later...I just finished my protein shake. Laundry and cleaning on the agenda today. Something fun tonight...whatever that may be-I need it!!

Have a great gathering tomorrow. You seem to always be entertaining. That is awesome. I have been under the weather the past few days. Today I have had:
S-1 piece of low carb bread with peanutbutter toasted
L-vegtable soup
D??? maybe more jello
I spent most of today in bed. I am hoping to feel better tomorrow and get back on track with my protein and fluids.
Enjoy the great weather!!!
I never stuck to my anticipated food log--I had cottage cheese w/pineapple in the midafternoon. My husband and I went to dinner at Damons. I ordered Steak/mushrooms and mashed potatos. I was so excited to eat it...when I got just didn't taste like I anticipated. I think I ate 3oz of the steak...a few forkfuls of potatos..and all my mushrooms. Does anyone else notice that somethings taste different than before surgery??
I don't have anything to post for a food log as I am new to this board (been lurking all summer so I feel like I know everyone besides learning a whole lot!). I just have to say your new picture looks wonderful. I would have never recognized you!! I did a double take - I read the menu thread every day and even though I saw your name I thought someone else was starting it!
Great job and again you look great!
Hi Joanie!!
Yes food tastes alot different after surgery......

. I find that things I would never ever eat pre-op I now love like fish. Then there are things that I loved before and now I could care less about or as you said it just doesn't taste the same. Trust me I never used garlic salt in my cottage cheese or my tuna salad before 
I just love the new picture and I know you have changed quite a bit since that pic. It is amazing all the changes isn't it?? Have a great day.

Thanks Linda for the sweet words. You look different from your before picture too..although I still cannot see the new updated one..but I did see how fantastic you look in person!
Fish...gee..I wish I liked it now. I still have to go to Trader Joe's and find that stuffed fish you were talking about. I am going to cackle from all the chicken I eat!
Have a great week...