OCT 18th My Surgery Day
Hello Everybody,
I want to share the news to everybody about my surgery. Since the hospital had to arrange an interpreter for me while I will go to surgery and recovery room too. I found out what time my surgery will be since there will be three of us ( two people from support group and I have same surgery date). My surgery time is 1245 pm It looks like I will be last person to go surgery. I am sure two other will get early surgery time than me. I will keep busy on that day and will spend my time with my kids before they go to school. I have to be at hospital at 10 45 am.
Have a nice weekend!!
Kathy K
I am soooo glad that things are beginning to fall into place more quickly. You will be joining us on the losing bench before you know it. I will send you those recipes hopefully this weekend but the pasta-less lasagna is not a recipe just do what I normally did as far as the ingredients and leave out the noodles. Have a great weekend!!

Hi Linda
I know you are busy this weekend because my Jewish neighbors on my next side had a party last night. That is how I know ! SMILE! Looking forward for Turkey Chili and meatless laganaga. I will put your name on this recipe which I promised Joanie that I will help her to make recipe book for our group. I will see you again on Nov 20th with my sipping water and talk while peopel are eating their foods.
Kathy K