I am home!
It feels really good to be home again. I really enjoyed my visit from Patti and Kathy K. Thanks you guys!!! As Kathy mentioned, we all took a couple of laps around the nurses station. Courtney ,another girl, Cynthia and I all had surgery on the 21st and we all did well. I was very nervous but just took one minute at a time until the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room! The only glitch I had was that my morphine drip wasn't working
and I was stuck in the recovery room for about 6 hours because they couldn't find a bed!
At one point they moved me and I remember screaming out loud in pain it hurt so bad. Finally I got a room and the nurse noticed that my machine wasn't working and boy did it feel good to get some pain meds at last! PHEW!
The day after surgery was probably the worst as far as discomfort and pain goes. I think because I was still pretty doped up and tired. But the next day was a completely different story. Things were much better. All the tubes and catheters are gone and I was moving around a lot better and felt a lot more alert. Plus a shower really helped!
I tolerated all the fluids well and today I drank 2 protein drinks. So far, so good! So Joanie, I will start posting in the food logs tomorrow!
I am feeling pretty good and looking forward to losing a lot of weight now
WAHOO! I am a POST OP at last!
Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers for me. It would have been very hard going into this without all the great support from these boards and my family and friends.
Happy to be home,