WLS on Starting Over
I'm at work but I found it on the following link http://www.startingover.tv/meet/sommer/bio.html.
You can also read the recaps.
Hope it helps!!!

When I was home recouperating after my surgery and complications, I became addicted to this show!! I'll have to read up on it on the website to see what happens.
It's sad. After 20 years of non-stop working, I sat in front of the TV for almost 2 months -- I now come home and at 8:00 p.m. watch All My Children on the SoapNet Channel because I became attached to the show again. I'm just a TV addict, I guess.
Have a great day!
Kathy F.
I just wanted to comment on something I read on the boards (Starting Over). It was about Sommer, who had the surgery, commenting negatively on another woman's bathing suit and how she was popping out of it. People proceeded to bash people that had the surgery, "because they found the way out" and others said they've known fat people that lost the weight and became mean.
Well, I don't think this has to do with weight at all and why are they categorizing us, once again? If a person is a b#tch, they're going to be that way, fat or skinny. I've never been super skinny, but I've always been sensitive to other people, no matter what issues they had. That's me, that's the person I am and always will be. (Fat or skinny). I'll always be sympathetic and non judgemental, because I know how much pain you have to go through to live as a fat person. I could get down to 130 and still think that people are criticizing me and staring at me, like I was fat. That's just how people have scarred me. It just upset me a little that they could make a comment like that. Gastric bypass patients get another bad rap.
Just my 2 cents.