Diane thinks I am motivated enough for the surgery.......
Well had my nutritional evaluation today and everything looks good from Diane she said I knew alot about the changes in the way I eat now from the way I will eat after the surgery. My blood work and ultrasound was in the office onlu thing left is my meeting with Chris, sparring diet, and eco an ekg.. wow it's moving smoothly I also have a small support group meeting to attend with her and Chris Oct 27th she said about 10-15 people.Well I guess I am on the roll. I did recieve some bad news not to bad but It was highly recommended by Debbie that I should get the surgery because I don't lose weight I can become a diabetic from the blood work that's what Debbis said but not worry I will be alright shortly.All you losers save a spot for me cause Imma Coming
to be a BIG LOSER to. See you soon on that bench........