Good Evening Everybody,
My daughter had a nice birthday today and alot of sings from her music class, and her classmates. She had a good day!
Pattie and I went to see Terri and talked with her. Terri said hi to everybody and she is looking forward to go home tomorrow. She said it was very painful on first day but feels better each day. We walked with Terri to try find Claudia but she was on her way to walk in the hall but catch her in the hall. She said This surgery is more painful than C-sec. This is second person told me that same thing.. It was Chirstine C. and Claudia. Also we all met Linnie first time in the hall!!!!! She is doing good and walk in the hall with her husband.WE walked three times around with them. We are all proud of our ladies who works hard keeping walking around the nurse station.
Congrats for all of them on losing sides. I would like to say thank you for them to share their experiences with me and Pattie. Pattie will explain about stuff where we will use it from the bathroom Where are you Pattie? Please Explain about this to all ladies You can explain it better than me Thank you Pattie! SMILE! WE are looking forward to hear from them when they will post their words on our CT Message Board!!!
Kathy K