Well I did not want to but Idid......
Just for the rights that was violated I talked to the manager at the place where my blood work was done and she said that she strongly apologized for what happened and I also told her that there was certain laws that peolple you have working under her should know about and rights to patients that are overweight.I also told her she should have along talk with Maria and make sure that she understands with her lude comments she makes to patients she is walking on thin ice and also to make sure she does not do it again. And not for nothing I requested that she apologize to me personally when she got on the phone I just said in a very nasty voice "Yeah just don't let it happen again".On the lighter side of things I got my appoinment with Diane today At 3:00p.m. wish me luck have a good day all.Oh yeah it was your replies to my post about this lady which made me really get her.Cause if I didn't have my son and was the way I used to be she would have been slapped all over the office but I have calmed down alot now in my days look out for my posts on how things went tonight with Diane.