Joanie's Food Log-Thursday
I have renamed this post...I always wanted to be famous and I am becoming very vain as I lose this what better way to show off but put my name in the title!
So CT What ARE we eathing this beautiful Thursday?
b-egg/ham/cheese sandwich...1 sl rye, 1oz cheese, 1 cooked egg, 1/4 sl of ham...was good but couldn't get down the entire thing
s-CCprotein shake
L-have 12:30 appt with dietician in middletown..I may treat myself to Wendy's chili or salad
s- momentum bar
D-tuna salad probably...need something quick...daughter has dance lesson, soccer practice...taking my son to get his driving permit...(learners)
down 46 lbs!

I agree, Joanie, you name should be in lights!
Today I'm having...
B - honey wheat english muffin
S - TWO string cheese
L - Lunch with a pal, maybe Bugaboo Creek (Kathy B, wanna join?
D - Leftover chicken casserole I made. Chix, salsa, cream cheese, ricotta, baked until done. Messy but good.
S - String cheese AGAIN
I am so freaking hungry today, I dont know if it's stress (job issues) or the nice weather. WHatever it is I don't like it.
Love to you all!

Boy Deb - if I had advance notice I would have been there in a flash with both sons accompanying me! We love it there - will probably be there this Sunday - its my little guy's birthday tomorrow, so they will come out with the moose and sing to him and let him kiss the moose and give him a free dessert. Gotta love that place.
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau
Hi Tammy,
The reason I love Bugaboo Creek is that they let me eat off the kids menu - small sirloin and a caesar salad. I don't know if that would cheer you up right now or not?
Still a small amount of food for you as a pre-op.
But - feel free to come in Sunday afternoon and meet me
God Bless,
Kathy Bilodeau
Lap RNY 12/3/03
-101 lbs.

Good Morning everyone! It is so nice here today, I am at work with the door open and a great view of the trees and sky - wish I was outside, but it's ok.
B - Carb Countdown Yogurt
S- Protein shake
L- oat bran/wheat wrap with 1 slice swiss cheese and 1 slice ham
S- protein bar (if I have room)
D- not sure - have lots of errands to run tonight, maybe Chinese
I am not hungry at all today, and the Sudafed is making me really thirsty. I am drinking more than usual which is good, but it's hard to do when I really don't want anything at all. OK - Enough whining...
Have a great day everyone, enjoy!