HELP!!!! need advise quickly
Morning all
I attended the pre surgical seminar at middlesex hospital last night and
the nurse said Dr. Aranow has postponed surgeries if you have;nt lost the weight you were supposed to.
Well I lost the weifgt months ago then I was put on a medication that increases your appetite....go figure....I did gain most of the weight back.
do they weigh before surgery? Should I call Dr. A;s office...I don"t want to show up tomorrow and get sent home. help
I was not weighed at the hospital, and the nurse who took me in said they rarely weigh patients since they know he'll postpone surgery and they know their scale weighs heavy.
Dont worry, sounds like you'll be just fine, but I worried about the same thing too. All those Last Suppers is what got to me!
Take care hunny!
I wasn't weighed either. I was very stressed out about it though because I lost the weight and kept it off but my surgery was scheduled right around when I get my period and I had some water weight gain going on. I think the nurses tell you that to scare the **** out of you so that you don't put on a lot of extra weight right before your surgery because that could make your liver enlarged which makes the surgery more difficult.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow! Good luck!