Checkup and pics
Hi all!
I went to have my 4 month checkup today. All went well. I'm down 82 lbs. The scale I was using locally LIED to me! It said 90.. I'll go w/the Drs. scale though. I'll take it either way.
Got my hair cut today. Nothing fancy. I had 3" taken off.. funny it's about the same length as preop now. It's a little easier to manage and doesn't pull as much hair out when I mess with it.
So, just thought I'd give an update and let y'all know the pics are up in my profile, since I said I'd put up a pic of my new do. I'm sure some are curious if I had really shaved it all off or not.. I had thought about it.
Take care!

Michelle, you look beautiful. I love the hair. The cut is great.You are doing so well with WLS. I am so happy for you. Doesn't it seem like surgery was ages ago. I can't believe it's only been four months.
I know what you mean about the energy to. Up until I hurt my back, I couldn't stop. It is so frustrating to have all this energy and no outlet but a computer.
Anywho....congratulations. Thanks for sharing your updated pic with us. You are stunning.