Sad But True - Part II
Today I had a rude awakening which really shouldn't have surprised me but it did throw me for a loop.
I called Anthem today to inquire about transferring my insurance to an individual plan since my Cobra plan is running out. We discussed prices, etc and then got into medical issues. I advised her about my gallbladder surgery and she said that was no problem and then I figured I better tell her about my gastric bypass and she said hold on a minute. When she came back to the phone she stated that they had a three year exclusion for bypass patients. So no coverage for three years. So I told her that was discriminatory and she agreed (she was a lap-band patient) but that was their policy.
I don't want to scare anyone but thought this was information you should be aware of. No one ever told me about this and I wish they had. Hold onto whatever insurance you have because you might not be able to get any.
On a brighter note, I've lost 5 more pounds for a grand total of 155 lost.
I guess I better stay healthy.
Have a good week everyone,
Mary Lou

Wow -- You've lost so much weight!! Congrats on that little item.
That's very troubling for me because I switched jobs. I paid COBRA for the one month period when my new co. didn't cover me, and with a HIPAA certificate from my old insurance company (which I'm still waiting for ...... ) proving I had continuous coverage, my new company (CIGNA) waives their pre-existing condition clause. I'm going to have to look into this further.
Thanks for the info.
Kathy F.