Maggie - How are you feeling?
Thank you sweetie, that was so nice.
I'm doing better. I'm still pretty much on bedrest, or couch rest as i call it. Hubby moved the love seat to the desk so I can at least lay down and use the computer. I'm going stir crazy but my Mary Kay is keeping me busy. I can follow up with customers and hubby packs and ships the orders.
I've become addicted to Yahoo Canasta. One of my WLS friends from another board has me addicted, and it's a good way to pass the hours away.
Hope you're doing well Phyllis. Keep sending me those jokes, they make my day.
Hope to see you soon,

So glad to hear you are feeling better. Bed rest is a stinker isn't it??? I was on bedrest with all three of my pregnancies and I can attest to how miserable it can get after a while.
I am addicted to Canasta as well!! I haven't played on Yahoo but play at least two or three games an evening on Pogo. I am going to check out the Yahoo game as well.