Thanks & going for a new "do"
Thank you ladies for the menu ideas. I just checked out Dave's Marketplace here in RI for the first time. It's got fancy little things.. all kinds of good ideas for dinner, not so blah. Their deli has the really good lookin' things.. so I got some Caprese with basil (mozzarella w/tomato), ham salad w/pickle/mayo, curry chicken salad (going to try chicken again, but I'll blend this more before eating, and some lobster and crab salad w/celery/mayo. I love seafood in any form, so this will help me with the protein.
Also.. I'm going to chop my hair off tomorrow!! It's getting sooooo gross. It's bad enough that it falls out when it gets this long, but now it's just coming out in a disgusting number, crawling on me in the shower.. it's on everything.. just grossing me out. So it's GONE! I'm not too sure that I'm not going to shave it completely bald.. but I'll put up a pic.. whatever I do.
If anyone has any ideas for hairstyles TONIGHT, let me know! I don't think I want to go too short, b/c I have a fat face and I think I look I like it longer.
Thanks again!

Hi Michelle,
I don't have any ideas for your haircut, but I have to say you definitely do NOT have a masculine face. Your face is beautiful and very feminine!
I have thought that since I first saw a picture of you, quite a while ago,
and then at the dinner too.
I have the same problem with my hair falling out, but I don't want to get it cut yet. Before my surgery I had it pulled back in a ponytail one day, and my 5 year old said I have a "little head on a big body!"
Gotta love those kids, huh? Not a dishonest bone in their bodies....even when you could use a little white lie. Now I am alittle self-conscious bout my little head
so I am going to wait until my body gets alittle smaller before I cut the hair.
Good luck whatever you decide.

Sounds like Dave's has some delicious items to choose from. Where in RI is it? Maybe next time I am out that I way I will go.
Your face is in no way masculine. You are incredibly pretty! I think short hair will look great on you. I had long hair all my life until I got preggers with my first and then I went really short. I have had varying degrees of short since then but I could never go really long again. As far as hairstyles try doing a search on the internet and I am sure you will come up with lots of nice styles. I love Paige Davis' hair from Trading Spaces.
Good luck with the style and am looking forward to seeing an "after" pic

Hi Michelle,
When did you move to RI?
Hair cuts are so exciting...good for you! Your face is NOT masculine at all, you are beautiful! I told you that months ago when you had your first picture on your are stunning!!
Let me know how the curry chicken salad is...that made my mouth water!
Looking forward to the new 'do picture!