I'll reply as a husband who waited for a wife a LONG time....
It is emotionally as difficult to see someone walk down a hall and worry that you will never see them again as to be the one who is walking down the hall. I had never any thoughts of any problems, and certainly had nothing which I would consider anything other than an annoiance. All of us know that we are not in the best of health. That is part of the reason we are/did undergo this procedure. It is scary as hell.
The can only give him two pieces of advise.
First of all, be selfish and make it so the person you love will live longer with you. Swedish studied tracked 2000 patients over 10 years needing obesity surgery. 1000 had it done and 1000 did not. In the surgical group, 9 people died over the 10 years. In the non surgical group, 27 died. He wants to be with you, and being healthy will improve the chances and the length of time that you will have together.
2nd of all, do every bit of prep possible. I don't think you smoke (never smelled smoke on you when at the support group meetings)(and you thought I was checking everyone's perfume
) so that is in your favor. Walk and exercise now. Get your body and lungs in as best possible shape and reduce the size of your liver by continuing to diet.
If you can, bring him to the support group one evening and let him ask questions. We cannot prevent his jitters, but the likelyhood that he would be around so many people who have had this done AND so many looking forward to having it done is probably zero anywhere else.
Look forward to taking a Monday off from work and sneaking in to see you