Listen to what the lady that draws my blood said......
Well all is going smooth today I went a had my ultrasound painfull but good results.So I went across the hall and had my bloodwork done kill two birds with one stone. So I get call to the back where this lady named Maria was waiting to draw me. She comes in and stands at her little table she puts her gloves on and says well if some people got the insurance they may as well get it I like ok what the h_ll is she
talking about I kindly says excuse me she says well you should try weigh****chers I am now
like ok that is not for you to determine
if it was up to you i would be dead for weigh****cher she goes on to say well if you cut back on what you eat you would lose and keep it off I did she says I said well everyone is different. I works for you it does not work for me. So by this time she is finishing up with me I got up and was walking out the door I said I am getting this surgery no matter howm much you want to tell me you could die I am getting it. And then I said as a matter of fact where is your boss I want her to hear what you got to say about my condition. She goes on to say some other stuff about you got to think about weither you live or not I just walked out. See from that incident I can tell she discuss
patient business cause she was kind of loud. Should I report her a$$ cause she pissed me off as if Ok I already don't know what I have to go through with this surgery What do you guys think. Will I be overdoing it if I call and report her.....

Some people are so ignorant! She obviously has no idea about WLS. She had no right to give her opinion, you did not ask for it. It is not her job to talk to you like that, it is only her job to draw your blood and label it right.
I would DEFINATELY call her supervisor, as a matter of fact, follow it up with an official letter. She needs to be reprimanded severely, or put on some kind of suspension. The matter gives the place a bad name, and they need to know what kind of people are working for them.
Let us know what happens and how you deal with this. This woman has extremely poor people skills.

You should let Deb in Dr. Valin's office know about this. She will want to know if anyone on the hospital staff is talking trash to people about the surgery.
I think I know who you are talking about...I had her draw my blood when I went through the testing...she is loud and obnoxious. It's a good thing she didn't say those things to me...I'd be making a scene right then and there!
How unprofessional! Which is EXACTLY the impression I had of her...and her supervisor (a man) was working right beside her!
I would call and report her. She has no right to say anything to you. She is there to draw your blood and she should keep her opinions to herself. I would have asked her if she is a Dr., why is she drawing blood. Are they so short staffed that they had to pull Drs and Psycologists out to help....
Ugg I can't stand ignorant people.

Oh man.. what a ignorant person.
If she had an opinion she should keep it to herself. I am always so amazed that people feel it is their right to foist their opinions on others..even when we do not ask for it.
If it were me.. I would most certainly report her.I would send a letter and call the supervisor. Send the letter to the supervisors boss since if this woman is doing this so freely..I would bet the supervisor knows and if the supervisor is doing her job she should know what goes on in her department! She may not know.. but then she is not doing her job and she is also at fault for allowing this kind of rude, ignorant and hurtful woman to deal with clients.
Having spent 34 years as a Supervisor of Nurses I have no patience with such bad behavior from people who daily work with people who come to them with trust that they will do their jobs efficiently and skillfully without ignorant comments.
Enough from Me..
offering My opinion.. what does that make