I'm Obese...I'm Obese...
Yay, I am now officially obese...
I am a few days short of 4 months, and I have gone from Morbidly Obese, to Severly Obese to Obese! Next up ...overweight. I am so happy.
This surgery has been a gift from God. I feel like a woman again, I feel so much healthier than I can remember. My weight is no longer the main issue or focus in my life. That is very freeing. I can actually enjoy parties now and not worry about being the largest (even though I generally still am), or worry about if I eat then people will look at me and judge. I don't care anymore what other's think. It's what I think that matters.
I am a happier person, and I think that reflects in all areas of my life. Things don't bother me so much anymore. I have more patience with my daughter, or at work. I am not walking around judging myself either. It is great to feel like this!
And, my husband is really enjoying the new me!
Have a great day everyone.

Yippee Anne!!
All I know is you looked beautiful and so happy when I met you at the dinner last weekend.
I know exactly what you mean about being the largest at a party or event. Thats not always the case with me anymore, and want to hear something naughty I did the other day? During my lunch I went to Buckland Mall and went into Lane Bryant and strutted my stuff once I realized I was the SMALLEST in there! Thats the first time that has happened!! Soon it'll be like that for you too!
Keep up the good work, and go have fun with your hubby!
Wow Deb..that WAS naughty!
My dream is to never step in that store again. I don't even want to shop in Fashion Bug or Dress Barn ever again either..even on the smaller woman's side.... I will boycott those stores forever!! I am going to take a trip to Goodwill and the Salvation Army this Thursday when I am off... I could use some smaller scrub tops...these things are HUGE on me!! Oh..my co-worker just said.."you're addicted to that website, aren't you?" Ooops! Guess so...new addictions, as long as they are not food..are not a bad thing! This is the number one reason, I am staying on track..because of all the support here. I may lose my job..but I will still have my CT WLS friends online!

I am addicted to a consignment shop in Plainville...great stuff! I bought a pair of Gap jeans, tags still on them, for $5!!
I love Dress Barn, I never shopped there as a pre-op so it's new territory for me.
Believe me, I didn't buy anything at LB...I just wanted to see what it felt like beign the smallest person for the first time in my life. Oh, should I mention that there were 4 people in the store, including employees??