New Haven/Middletown Walk Yesterday
Yes, the Walk From Obesity was held in torrential downpours yesterday. We did say "rain or shine" but who knew it would be heavy rains? We were not able to walk on the planned course due to safety issues, so walkers who wanted to walked in the parking lot of the Principal Financial Service building.
Quite a few people did come, with their pledges and we took in over $6000 yesterday! That's not our final financial report, but we were all very happy with that, considering the weather. We certainly understand folks not coming yesterday, it was a tough call for us to make too.
If you were registered and had sent in your money, we have reserved a T-shirt for you. If you have pledge monies you want to turn in, that is still possible too, as we have a couple weeks before we have to send in the monies to the national ASBS Foundation. Please contact me at 203-776-4677, Ext 6 during the week, or email me at about either of the above items.
We can't complain too much about the weather, as people in the south have it so much worse than us. I'm sure some of them weren't even able to have their walks, so we're glad we had such a success.
We are already anticipating doing this again next year, and hopefully more surgeons and offices will join us! Thanks to Dr's Aranow, Reinhold, Valin, Barajas, Yood and Nadzam from the New Haven and Middletown areas for sponsoring this event. And a huge thank you to our many sponsors,they are listed on the website at in the New Haven/Middletown section.
If you want to be involved next year, email me at It's never too soon to start planning.
Jessie M. Moore APRN
Hospital of Saint Raphael, New Haven
Walk From Obesity
New Haven/Middletown Event Co-Leader
~Grining~ It sure was raining.. I went home soaked to my skin as I am sure many others did as well. I enjoyed the socialization of the event ..yes..even in the rains! I left and the first thing I told my husband was...*I'm gonna do this again next year!*. My thankds to everyone who planned the event and everyone who was there. Kathy K, it was wonderful to meet your son. I did not get to say *hi* to Dr Aranow but it was good to see Him and his wonderful staff. Well, I wanted to tell You all *thanks*. Because of events like this ..we now have avenues of education, research and a mountain of support.
Finally a halt in the downward spiral of obesity and a renewal of mental, emotional and physical health. God Bless Us all!
Pattie D
Hi Pattie,
My son, Kyle, wants to join with me next year to walk together because he loves to spend with his mom's time and thought it was cool to walk in the rain but I hope next year the weather will be better than last Saturday. Let's hope we will have our surgery on same week so we can support each other by walking around nurse station than just sitting down. My son introduced himself to Dr Aranow and told him "please save my mom's life" and Dr Aranow said okay He will. Dr Aranow was there with his cute daughter. There were great picture poster of Lica C , Anidind(sorry I have to practice to spell your name and other lady ( before and after surgery).
Kathy K