List of definite NO-NO's for your pouch
that is a good question you sisters both told me to stay away from carbonated drinks and bread because it swells up in your stomach.i still dont know why they told me to stay away from caffein.they also told me to stay away from rice because it swells and constipates .i,m curious to what else there is to stay away from too....tom
Kathy -
I think Pepto-Bismol is a no-no but I forget why. I usually use Maalox especially the tabs for Calcium occasionally. Also, you may want to ask your surgeon about anti-diarhea (sp?) meds. I think there's something there too but again, I forget the details.
Hey, if anyone sees my memory, can you tell it to return home. My sanity is also MIA and I'd like it back. (tee hee hee...)
Hugs to all!
becky 3.3.04