Food - like losing a best friend
Hi everyone.
I met with Elina at Dr. Aranow's office today. In 2 weeks of being very careful with my food and documenting it all, I lost ONE pound. She added it up, and looks like even trying my hardest, I'm still consumming about 1500 calories a day. Way too much. So, she put me on a more strict diet of 900 calories a day. I must lose the other 9 pounds in 3 weeks in order to have my surgery.
I have my last appt. (my endoscopy) at some point soon - should have the date tomorrow, and then that's it. Last test will be done.
Well, on my way home, I started to cry. Like a baby. Not from nerves, or frustration of the new diet, but from realizing at that very second, I'm losing my best friend. Food.
I'm ready for this, totally. But the reality was incredible. Anyone else go thru this? I realize it's all part of the metomorphis, but I've been crying off and on for a couple of hours, my hubby thinks I'm upset about the new diet, and my kids just think I'm nuts. But in reality, it's like something that was sacred to me will no longer be around.
OK, tell me I'm nuts. It's ok. I already know I am. ;)
Thank you all for giving me a forum to be able to even address this!
Tammy, you are not nuts. You're human. It is hard to diet when food is your friend. I didn't think I could do it either. You can do it. Keep your eye on the surgery and let that be your motivation. I have that outfit in the wash and ready for you as soon as you have your surgery.
Try low carb, fat the best you can and drink lots and lots of water. I know you are concious of what's going in your mouth by the choices that you had for us yesterday.
Food will be around. You just won't want as much of it afterwards. Please feel free to email or call me if you want.
Oh, Tammy, you are NOT alone!
I think of food as a friend, but a friend that creates an abusive relationship with me. And sure, it's an unhealthy relationship,
but it was still MY friend. I always knew that I had a place to go when things got bad....or good...or just so-so.
I still find myself going through a mourning period every now and then.
Hey Tammy,
Hang in there, it's completely normal to mourn food. You're right, it's been a life-long friend who has seen you through the good and bad times, and all those in between. But food will not be out of the picture completely, it will still be there, still be a socal event and like Bette said, still your friend. Personally, I didn't mourn food until I was a few weeks post-op and going through the tough liquid stage of eating.
You can try and explain it to your family but they just might not ever understand unless they are going through the same process.
On a happier note you will not miss food forever. When the pounds start coming off and the sizes are dropping you'll soon forget all about missing your old friend Food and want to spend time with your new friend, Shopping. I love my new friend, Shopping. I hope someday you let me introduce you to her. She's more fun than Food ever was!
Hang in there, honey. You'll drop those 9 pounds. Atkin's works great, or S. Beach. And I'm in the next town from you, call me if you ever want to go for a walk. I'd join you in a heartbeat.
hi tammy .your right t is the hardest thing of all to give up.when i get depressed i go to the cuppoard and grab the ritz crackers and peanut butter i,ll eat it not because i,m hungry but i get my mind off of whats bothering me.i eat becausei enjoy it rather than eat for nutrition its going to be a tough battle for us all but in the long run we,ll be the healthier ones cya ...tom
Hi, Tammy!
You're definitely not crazy. Mourning food is normal. Although I'm a pre-op, I can relate to losing food (at least some foods). When I found out almost two years ago that I'm diabetic, I went through a period of mourning the sweet and high-carb foods that I'd never be able to enjoy the same way again. I knew that diabetics eat differently now than they used to when I was a little girl (more accurately, young girl -- I was never a little girl) and my grandmother was a diabetic who was told to NEVER eat anything with sugar in it. Now we know that it's all carbohydrates that raise blood sugar levels, not just sugar, so diabetics have to control all carbs, but no specific carbs are excluded, just limited. So there's nothing that I used to eat that I can't have now, but I have to control my total carbs for the day (so eating a bagel is a rare treat instead of the first of probably a pair of bagels and pasta is a side dish instead of a main course) and if I choose to have something with sugar in it, I have only a couple of bites. (Gee, sounds kind of like eating after WLS, doesn't it?) But there are still times when I go by the bakery counter at the supermarket and look longingly at the brownies and maybe even feel a little sad. However, I think it'll be easier to adjust after WLS than it was after my diabetes diagnosis because there's nothing positive about becoming a diabetic, but after WLS there's a tradeoff for all sorts of good things that we can't do now.
With each other's help we'll all get through the adjustment period,
Hi Tammy,
You are not NUTS!!!!!!! I lost my best friend.. foods and is learning to have new best friend ... WATER. Try to have new hobbies or treat yourself pamper instead going to get foods. I know it is so hard... and still hard for me because of my MIND HUNGER but I still stick with this diet and tools to help me get through and esspeically alot of people from this wls group. I wish you came last night and I can give you big tebby bear hug!
Kathy K
Tammy,Tammy, Tammy,
You are not nuts! Dieting stinks especially when you try so hard and only lose 1 pound! Food is not your best friend! Once you have the surgery you will see how easy it is to give up food as you know it! When you see the pounds melting away and know that they are not going to come back you will be finding a substitute for food. I used the Atkins diet to lose weight before surgery and was able to lose 14 lbs. I also drank water like you wouldn't believe!! Try it.
I was quickly skimming through the posts last night and read yours. I have been thinking about you and the post ever since. I am not good at advise, all I can say is I can relate. In the beginning of my journey those thoughts controled my mind, but the closer I get and the more people I meet and talk to, I know that I am doing the right thing and you know you are too! We'll be okay pre-op sista and we are almost there!!
Hope you are feeling better.